Frequently Asked Questions Inquisitions
"Remodel now pay when sold" is a program that allows homeowners to renovate their home and defer payment until the sale of the property. This program can help homeowners renovate their homes without upfront costs and reduce the stress of paying for renovations
The program is designed to help homeowners pay for renovations upfront and defer payment until the sale of the property. The renovation costs are paid back through the proceeds of the sale. This means that you can renovate your home without worrying about upfront costs and pay for the renovations only when the property is sold
The benefits of using the program include the ability to renovate your home without upfront costs, increase the value of your property, and reduce the stress of paying for renovations.
The program is available to eligible homeowners and properties, and eligibility requirements may vary based on location and other factors. It's best to consult with a real estate agent or a representative from Turnaround properties to determine if you qualify for the program. .