
Case Study - 3303 Midland Road, Fairfax, VA

In 2018, we remodeled this home for our client in just six weeks. Cash buyers initially offered $550,000 in as-is condition, but the client chose our Remodel Now, Pay When Sold program. We funded and completed a $165,000 renovation, and the home sold in just three days for $820,000, earning the owner an extra $105,000 after costs and the best part-without him investing a dime in the process.

Case Study - 5504 Hinton Street, Springfield, VA

 In 2019, we remodeled this home for our client in just six weeks. Cash buyers initially offered $300,000 in as-is condition, but the client chose our Remodel Now, Pay When Sold program. We funded and completed a $129,000 renovation, and the home sold in just one day for $575,000 earning the owner an extra $146,000 after costs and the best part-without him investing a dime in the process.

Case Study - 4078 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA Full Remodel

In 2017, we remodeled this home for our client in just six weeks. Cash buyers initially offered $315,000 in as-is condition, but the client chose our Remodel Now, Pay When Sold program. We funded and completed a $73,000 renovation, and the home sold in just three days for $425,000, earning the owner an extra $37,000 after costs and the best part-without the owner investing any money in the process.

More Projects are Available Upon Request